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Please see our website for information about the Year 7 Language choice process.


Reminder: Sixth Form Open Evening Tuesday 29th November from 4.30pm to 6.30pm




Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday 13th October is the last day of term for students (Friday 14th October is an INSET day so school will be closed for all students). Students return to school on Monday 31st October.


Message from Havering Council: The Council have created a one-stop-shop for all of the financial & other support that may be out there for residents this winter and beyond, all in one handy place on our website.


YEAR 11 REVISION EVENING We are inviting you and your child to attend our mock examination preparation information evening which will be held on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 6pm Please see our website for full details


You are invited to attend the Year 11 parents’ consultation evening on Thursday 8th September 2022 between 4.00pm and 7.00pm. This evening will be held onsite at Harris Academy Rainham. See our website for full details


We are delighted to welcome our students back to the Academy next week. Dates and times for each year group are as follows; Year 7 - Monday 5th September 8.30am Year 11 - Monday 5th September 8.55am Years 8,9 & 10 - Tuesday 6th September 8.30am


The Harris Academy Rainham Geography department is excited to launch a new gardening club In the spirit of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”, we would appreciate donations of gardening equipment, hand tools, gloves, seeds, soil, pots and anything gardening related.


Please go to our website for details of the Y11 intervention sessions on offer during the May half term.


Year 8 and 9 Parent Information Evening Your are invited to a parent information evening on Wednesday 25th May at 6:00pm, where we would like to speak with you on e-safety and how you can ensure your child is protected online.


HAR Sixth Form Consultation: See the letters home page of our website for the latest letter from the principal with details of upcoming consultation events.


Year 10 students visited Blenheim Underwriting in Fenchurch Street yesterday as part of their mentoring programme with an award-winning charity, Future Frontiers, where they received a warm welcome from CEO John Lynch.


Year 11 English Literature Challenge Seminars Friday Mornings 8.15-8.50 B33 with Mrs. Turker



Yesterday some of our Y10 students visited London firm Crawford & Co. where they met the CEO and were mentored by business professionals to develop aspirations and build a life-long engagement with learning. Full story at



April 1st will be a "wear something yellow or blue" non-uniform day, students and staff are encouraged to donate £1. We will also have a bake sale on this day so bring some cash and buy some treats! All money raised will be donated to The British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















HAMD Anti Bullying

QRCode for We make a stand against bullying SEE IT. STOP IT. SORT IT.



We make a stand against bullying

Bullying information and support for parent/carers

It is always emotive for parents/carers when they find out that their child has been involved in a bullying incident. This is perhaps even more so when they are made aware that their child has been exhibiting bullying behaviour towards others.

One just needs to remember that bullying is not a person but rather a behaviour that anyone is capable of. The critical thing is to recognise this and to encourage some dialogue between yourself and your child to establish the facts. We have compiled some information and tips to help you to identify what bullying is and how to spot the signs.


Click HERE for eight tips if your child is bullying others

Your child has told you that they are being bullied - what is next?

  1. Stay calm and reassure your child that you will do everything you can to stop the bullying.
  2. Make contact with us immediately. Notify us of what is happening and ask us to put a support plan in place to support your child whilst the issue is being dealt with.
  3. Consider speaking with your GP in the interim, if you feel your child’s physical or emotional health is being affected.

What to do and not to do

  • DON’T confront other parents or the child/young person about the behaviour. When emotions are running high, things can quickly get out of hand!

  • DON’T take to social media to vent your anger! Making comments which could cause further harm or distress to another individual is a criminal offence Under the Malicious Communications Act and you could be visited by the Police! Remember the age of criminal responsibility in England is 10 years of age so this one applies to your children too! When information is out there, it’s out there!
  • DON’T tell your child to fight back. This can result in an escalation of the problem and your child may then incur a sanction.
  • DON’T tell your child to “Toughen up, lots of people get bullied, and you have to learn to deal with it!” There is always a power imbalance when a child is being victimised and adults need to intervene to redress the power imbalance


  • DO contact us at school and ask to speak with the person who is responsible for tackling bullying. This member of staff will address the allegation of bullying and investigate the incident thoroughly.
  • DO consider, if your child is experiencing bullying in the community because of a disability, if it could be a ‘Hate Crime’ and, if so if it needs to be reported to us in the first instance and then the Police if necessary.
  • DO reassure your child and ask them what they think could be done to make them feel safer. Their ideas can then be shared and used to inform any future support plans
  • DO screenshot any offending remarks that have been made on social media to provide evidence of the victimisation and keep a diary of events
  • DO contact the police on 101 if your child has suffered a serious assault
  • DO model a positive and considered approach to the problem (harder said than done, we know)! This will give your child an extra sense of security and reassurance.

If the bullying is happening online

Whether you are confident online or are not sure where to start here are some tips that might help you further:

  • Spend time with your children online, and have them show you their favourite sites. Speak to them about what they are doing on social media: Snapchat, Instagram and Whatsapp etc

  • Speak to your child about staying safe online and teach your children “cyber ethics”
  • Be computer savvy: use antivirus, antispyware, and a firewall, and keep them updated
  • Agree on rules for using the Internet
  • Teach your children to tell a parent, teacher or trusted adult if they feel uncomfortable about anything they’ve seen on a computer or online
  • Keep communication flowing so your child or young person feels able to talk to you about whatever they are doing online  

Further help and support

Please rest assured that we take all allegations of bullying very seriously.

Feel free to look at our Behaviour for Learning Policy which can be downloaded from our Student Welfare page.