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Please see our website for information about the Year 7 Language choice process.


Reminder: Sixth Form Open Evening Tuesday 29th November from 4.30pm to 6.30pm




Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday 13th October is the last day of term for students (Friday 14th October is an INSET day so school will be closed for all students). Students return to school on Monday 31st October.


Message from Havering Council: The Council have created a one-stop-shop for all of the financial & other support that may be out there for residents this winter and beyond, all in one handy place on our website.


YEAR 11 REVISION EVENING We are inviting you and your child to attend our mock examination preparation information evening which will be held on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 6pmPlease see our website for full details


You are invited to attend the Year 11 parents’ consultation evening on Thursday 8th September 2022 between 4.00pm and 7.00pm. This evening will be held onsite at Harris Academy Rainham. See our website for full details


We are delighted to welcome our students back to the Academy next week. Dates and times for each year group are as follows;Year 7 - Monday 5th September 8.30amYear 11 - Monday 5th September 8.55amYears 8,9 & 10 - Tuesday 6th September 8.30am


The Harris Academy Rainham Geography department is excited to launch a new gardening club In the spirit of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”, we would appreciate donations of gardening equipment, hand tools, gloves, seeds, soil, pots and anything gardening related.


Please go to our website for details of the Y11 intervention sessions on offer during the May half term.


Year 8 and 9 Parent Information Evening Your are invited to a parent information evening on Wednesday 25th May at 6:00pm, where we would like to speak with you on e-safety and how you can ensure your child is protected online.


HAR Sixth Form Consultation: See the letters home page of our website for the latest letter from the principal with details of upcoming consultation events.


Year 10 students visited Blenheim Underwriting in Fenchurch Street yesterday as part of their mentoring programme with an award-winning charity, Future Frontiers, where they received a warm welcome from CEO John Lynch.


Year 11 English Literature Challenge Seminars Friday Mornings 8.15-8.50 B33 with Mrs. Turker



Yesterday some of our Y10 students visited London firm Crawford & Co. where they met the CEO and were mentored by business professionals to develop aspirations and build a life-long engagement with learning. Full story at



April 1st will be a "wear something yellow or blue" non-uniform day, students and staff are encouraged to donate £1.We will also have a bake sale on this day so bring some cash and buy some treats!All money raised will be donated to The British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Professional Learning

At Harris Academy Rainham we are determined that all our pupils will acquire powerful knowledge, engaging with the greatest that has been thought and said, and strive for greatness themselves. Therefore we place great importance on staff development.

Continuous professional development means our staff are consistently working to improve their practice but also allows staff in all levels of their career the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge required to further their career within teaching. We believe in investing in our staff and therefore provide many opportunities for career development.

Being a part of the Harris Federation also enables us to work closely with the Chafford Hundred Teaching Hub and allows access to greater CPD opportunities such as Federation network meetings that occur throughout the year that provides subject specific training and opportunities for collaboration across academies, as well as the attendance of two Federation conferences a year.

Whole school CPD

There is a fortnightly schedule that encompasses all aspects of Teaching & Learning and Curriculum development across the school.

Week 1:  

  • Tues AM – Whole school teaching and learning training
  • Tues PM – ECT and beginner teachers training
  • Wed AM – Induction programme
  • Thurs PM – Department time (Intelligent adaptation of whole school focus) 
  • Fri AM – Whole school briefing

Week 2: 

  • Tues AM – Whole school teaching and learning training
  • Tues PM – Theory Aligned Practice (TAP)
  • Wed AM – Induction programme/ Middle Leaders training
  • Thurs PM- Curriculum/ Whole School needs/ department time
  • Fri AM – Whole school briefing

Whole school CPD takes place weekly. This focuses on teaching and learning, and each term has a specific focus, for example ‘knowledge checks’, using ‘show me’ and mini whiteboards. A termly focus allows us to ensure that this is embedded across the school. Whole school teaching and learning training takes place every Tuesday morning at 8.10am – 8.25am.

In addition to this, we have implemented a Teaching and Learning bulletin that offers a wide range of CPD for all members of staff and offers advice and tips that are concurrent with our whole school teaching and learning foci. This is sent out weekly to all staff.

Middle Leaders training

Middle leaders training takes place once a fortnight (Wednesday morning Week 2) 8.10am – 8.25am. This training is for all curriculum leads. The sessions are pre-determined and outlined in our termly professional development plan. They ensure our middle leaders are supported, have bespoke training and opportunities for collaboration. 

Line management

Formal line management meetings take place once a fortnight. During this time all Middle Leaders meet with their SLT line manager, with a check-in the following week. The sessions are pre-determined and outlined in our termly professional development plan. The purpose of these are to support middle leaders and follow on from the middle leader training session in week 2.

There are always three main areas of focus:

  1. Quality of Education (Teaching & Learning and Curriculum)
  2. Department & Middle leader support
  3. Whole school priorities  

Teachers' book club

Learning is a never-ending cycle. Everyone always has something to learn. With this in mind, we have a Teachers' Book Club. A book is chosen by our Senior Leadership team and all members of staff are encouraged to sign up. Books we have read include, for example, Boy’s Don’t Try? by Matt Pinkett. We are all very excited to meet as a group to discuss our thoughts and feelings from the books we read. We will then work as a team to explore ideas and embed strategies within our Academy relating to this book, ensuring that we have a whole school impact.

We also provide other fantastic research and books for our teachers to explore. We have an expanding teaching library which can be found in our school library.


Why Work With Us

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Download a copy of our Why Work With Us booklet to find out more about working at Harris Academy Rainham.