You said, we did...
We are committed to using feedback from all stakeholders to improve the experience for students at Harris Academy Rainham. We are committed to collecting the views of our students and their families each half term to help us identify where we can improve our provision.
This page is updated each term.
Thank you to all the families who completed our termly surveys so far this year. There were several strengths that were shared with us including:
- 75% of parent/carers said they 'Strongly Agreed' their child was happy at HAR, with a further 18% stating they 'Agreed'
- 92% of parent/carers said they 'Strongly Agreed' their child was safe at HAR
- 78% of parent/carers said they 'Strongly Agreed' that concerns were dealt with promptly when raised, with a further 18% stating they 'Agreed'
- 70% of parent/carers said they 'Strongly Agreed' that their child is doing well at HAR, with a further 20% stating they 'Agreed'
Main themes and actions
Below is a summary of the main themes from the responses we received and the actions we have or will be taking.
Theme | You Said... | We did... |
Communication | You were not always aware of what is taking place within the academy over the year.
| We now provide a weekly bulletin, emailed to all parents each week, with details of what has taken place that week and what is coming up next week so what is taking place collated into one place. We will continue to provide this information on all other channels used as well. |
Communication | You were confused by the different communication tools we use. | We have tightened up our processes and committed to using the following systems for:
Wider community | You would like more staff present before and after school each day. | There is now at least 2x members of staff at each gate, including senior staff, monitoring students and also available to speak to if you have something to discuss. In addition, senior staff walk the village to the common bus stops each evening to ensure pupils are respecting the local community. |
Homework | You would like all homework, including the online systems students should use to complete it, to be in one simple-to-track location in order to support your child. | All homework, and the online systems to be used, are now recorded on Satchel-One so you can track what is set each week. |
Website | You found our website difficult to find what you were looking for. | We have restructured and redesigned our website navigation to make it more intuitive so that content is easier to find. |
Parent Evenings | You did not like the virtual parent evenings we held in a response to COVID restrictions | We have returned all parent evenings to face-to-face events on site |
Revision | You would like more help and support with revision materials for assessments so you can support your child more. | We publish each term topic lists and revision materials for all subjects on our website for you to use to support your child. |
Extra Curricular | You wanted to know about all the extra curricular clubs and trips for your child. | We have increased the number and range of trips offered since COVID restrictions have been lifted. We have now published lists of all clubs and future trips on our website. |
Canteen | Your child does not get enough time to eat their lunch comfortably during their breaks.
| We have extended the lunch break for all year groups from 30 minutes to 40 minutes each day. We have also improved the queuing system we have and to allow different year groups to make use of the facilities at the same time easier. |
Canteen | You would like to know the cost of items in the canteen | We have asked our external catering provider to publish weekly pricing lists to our website.
| You commented that the queues were too long and slow which took up too much of your child's break | We have redesigned our canteen space to allow for fast processing of queues and worked with our external catering provider to retrain staff to speed it up. |
Reporting | You did not always have a clear idea of how your child was progressing in school or how to get the most out of the termly report | We have run parent information evenings to explain the assessment and reporting systems we use. We have also added videos to our website on how to get the most from the reports we use. |